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Studio BL 

TheStudio BL it's a multidisciplinary profession, operating in the sectors oflegal assistance and ofbusiness consultancy Andfinancial.


The Studio has the headquarters in Florence and two representative offices in Milan and in Rome. It counts  approx 20 professionals, between lawyers ancommercial doctors.


The jurisdiction in law and the experience in the management of primary operations at a national level together with an institutional mediation capacity are the hallmarks of Studio BL.

The integrated offer of the Firm has the objective of guaranteeing the Client a proven knowledge of the regulatory context in which it operates and the proposition of the most appropriate solutions, assisting him in an integrated way and with an institutional mediation capacity.


The integration between commercial Doctors And lawyers, based on the model of Law firms, and the transversal experiences of the professionals, in line with the modern international trends of the sector, make the area of activity of Studio BL particularly broad, both in the judicial and in the consultancy fields.


The partners of Studio BL they have also acquired important experiences by holding positions in the institutional and academic fields, as well as being part of the boards of directors of some of the major Italian companies.


Studio BL counts among his own clientsnational companies, listed and unlisted, operating in Italy and abroad.

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Our mission

The economic and fiscal planning of a company, the management of extraordinary corporate operations, the conduct of complex negotiations, the resolution of tax and corporate disputes require the support of expert professionals in the sector, capable of responding to your needs in the best possible way.


The specialized teams of Studio BL place the experience of the professionals who make it up at your disposal, providing you with personalized and in-depth assistance at all times.

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